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Total Verses: 8
Revealed At: MADINA

Listen to the sura in Arabic

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi

Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, were not going to depart (from their ways) until there should come to them Clear Evidence,-

1. Lam yakuni allatheena kafaroo min ahli alkitabi waalmushrikeena munfakkeena hatta ta/tiyahumu albayyinatu

An messenger from Allah, rehearsing scriptures kept pure and holy:

2. Rasoolun mina Allahi yatloo suhufan mutahharatan

Wherein are laws (or decrees) right and straight.

3. Feeha kutubun qayyimatun

Nor did the People of the Book make schisms, until after there came to them Clear Evidence.

4. Wama tafarraqa allatheena ootoo alkitaba illa min baAAdi ma jaat-humu albayyinatu

And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith); to establish regular prayer; and to practise regular charity; and that is the Religion Right and Straight.

5. Wama omiroo illa liyaAAbudoo Allaha mukhliseena lahu alddeena hunafaa wayuqeemoo alssalata wayu/too alzzakata wathalika deenu alqayyimati

Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures.

6. Inna allatheena kafaroo min ahli alkitabi waalmushrikeena fee nari jahannama khalideena feeha ola-ika hum sharru albariyyati

Those who have faith and do righteous deeds,- they are the best of creatures.

7. Inna allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati ola-ika hum khayru albariyyati

Their reward is with Allah: Gardens of Eternity, beneath which rivers flow; they will dwell therein for ever; Allah well pleased with them, and they with Him: all this for such as fear their Lord and Cherisher.

8. Jazaohum AAinda rabbihim jannatu AAadnin tajree min tahtiha al-anharu khalideena feeha abadan radiya Allahu AAanhum waradoo AAanhu thalika liman khashiya rabbahu

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